Unsung Heroes: How You Can Become a Hero for Girls at Risk

My name is Anya, and for far too long, darkness was all I knew. I was trapped in a cycle of abuse, held captive by a gang who saw me as nothing more than a possession. Each day, they’d chain me up in a cold, damp room, leaving me alone until their return. Fear...

Beyond Bystanders: How Men and Boys Can Be Champions for Safety

For too long, the conversation on abuse and trafficking has focused on victims and women’s empowerment, which are undeniably crucial. But what about the other half of the equation? Men and boys have a powerful role to play in dismantling these harmful systems...

The Global Chains: Shattering the Silence on Abuse and Trafficking

From bustling city streets to remote villages, across borders and cultures, the grim reality of abuse and trafficking casts a long shadow. It’s not just a headline – it’s a global pandemic, silently ensnaring millions in its web. The Numbers Scream: 40.3...

The Double-Edged Sword: Will You Choose Justice?

Imagine. A young girl dreams of a better life, lured by false promises on her phone. A teenager, isolated online, falls prey to a predator disguised as a friend. Every day, millions are trapped in modern-day slavery, their stories hidden in the shadows of our...